Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Kickoff Post

So, I know all mah fans out there are wondering about the story behind my blog title. The dedicated ones know that blue isn't my favorite color and "world" isn't my favorite word. So why the combination? Well, just like all of my complex email and facebook passwords, there's some significance behind this title. I borrowed the concept of a blue world from a passage in G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy (p. 113). Although I didn't love the book, nor intend to quote from a (somewhat nerdy) book in my first blog post, I really like how he conveyed the importance of commitment to the ideal of making the world a better place. I often find it difficult to commit to an ideal in today's day and age; I'm always second guessing myself and my values. But this year I hope to gain some perspective as to what a blue world might look like, and what I might look like in this blue world. Here's the passage:

Let us suppose a man wanted a particular kind of world; say, a blue world. He would have no cause to complain of the slightness or swiftness of his task; he might toil for a long time at the transformation; he could work away (in every sense) until all was blue. He could have heroic adventures; the putting of the last touches to a blue tiger. He could have fairy dreams; the dawn of a blue moon. But if he worked hard, that high-minded reformer would certainly (from his own point of view) leave the world better and bluer than he found it. If he altered a blade of grass to his favorite color every day, he would get on slowly. But if he altered his favorite color every day, he would not get on at all.

Pretty neat, aye? Or am I just another idealistic college grad? No! Well, probably. But hey, everyone has some kind of  a unique perspective to offer, right? Except for identical twins. And doppelgangers...

In any case, I also thought I'd let you know what I'm up to these next two weeks so mah fans don't have to rely on the paparazzi for their info. (They can be so inaccurate--and pesky!)

Friday, Aug. 6th: I'm meeting a friend in Berkeley and checking out San Francisco for the night. It'll be my first time on the west coast!

Saturday, Aug. 7th: I meet JVC staff and fellow volunteers in San Jose, then head south for the 5-day orientation in Aptos, CA. Here, all 100+ Jesuit Volunteers on the west coast learn more about the program and each other. Fun facts: We will be eating mostly vegetarian food; I won't know anyone there (scary but exciting!); I'm not sure if I packed appropriately.

Thursday, August 12th: We drive back to our respective houses (mine is named "Casa Nelson Mandela"), and unpack all of our newly-arrived luggage over the weekend. (Thanks for shipping my stuff, Mom!) The following week will be orientation for our jobs (mine will be with the SHNS).

So...My flight leaves in 11 hours-- I should head to bed soon! I'm a little bit nervous but mostly curious and excited. There's a chance I might not come home for a whole year (I think that might be the part that makes me nervous!). But I also have so many awesome people in my life these days...just thinking of them puts me at ease! Also, my whole decision to work as a JV in CA feels very "right". The program seems great; the people are caring; and it seems to be a great opportunity to truly understand what I'm "called" to do (a word choc full of implications!).

I hope to post at least once per week on this blog, but my computer is on its last legs and I'm not sure if I'll have wireless in San Jose, so we shall see what happens! Thank you all for reading this post, and I hope to be in touch soon! Au revoir!

P.S. If interested, you can learn more about my decision to join JVC and work for SHNS @:

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